Get Involved


Our parents donate their money, time, and talent so that every student can share the benefits of our supportive community.  Join us in 100% participation this school year.


PTA offers all parents and caregivers the opportunity to be engaged in their child's potential.  Being a member of PTA means that you are part of a powerful association and action plan that is focused on programs and initiatives that strengthen your child's education and family-school partnership.


There's no wrong way to PTA and we invite every family to participate, because we can do more together than apart.  For more information on why PTA, click here.




It is easy to join the Daniel Bagley PTA. Simply click the link to register:  

If I join, do I have to...?

  • Go to meetings?

Attending general meetings are not required.  But we hope you can join us when you can and help set the direction of our organization through your feedback and utilizing your voting rights.


  • Volunteer or spend a lot of time at school? 

Nope!  Joining the PTA is not the same as volunteering.  We hope you choose to volunteer - we would LOVE the help - but volunteering is not required. 


Give Money


Our fundraising goal for 2023-24 is $108,000.00.  The suggested donation for the year is $380 per student


For the full 2023-24 Fundraising Calendar, click here.


Give Time


Understandably, not everyone is able to make a financial contribution. Our school and PTA can always use your time and talent. There are many opportunities for all of us to volunteer, whether it is in the classroom, on the playground, or helping support fundraising activities. 


We will post upcoming volunteer needs throughout the year through the following PTA Sponsored avenues:

Click here for current volunteer opportunities.

Give Talent

Not all volunteer needs are during the school day.  There are other ways to lend your talent to our school.  We are always looking for additional resources or connections – from graphic designers, printing services, photographers, videographers, project managers for events.  And of course, you can join the PTA Board!


If you would like to contribute your talents to support our students at Daniel Bagley, please email